Friday, June 14, 2013

Reviewed by Lauren Petrillo

Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks

How would you feel if you found the perfect love life?  Probably everything would go perfectly.  Not when your abusive husband is on the run looking for you.  Katie might think she has the perfect life when she finds her soul mate, but not when she has to hide her true identity from her physical  husband who forced her to leave her home.  Erin, or should I say Katie has the struggle of trying to enjoy her new love and also hide from her abusive husband.  

Katie is the protagonist in the book, Safe Haven.  She ran away from home, driven out by her abusive husband, Kevin.  Katie goes to a small city in South Carolina called South Port which is the main setting in the story.  Katie has to hide her identity and real name.  She tries her hardest to enjoy what she has, but can’t focus with the thought of Kevin in her mind. Alex has changed her life.  He is her soul mate.  Her everything.  He listens to her and is always there when she needs someone.  Katie promised she wouldn’t fall in love on her escape, but Alex made Katie break that promise.  

I enjoyed this book because of the love twist to it.  She had someone that she didn’t want chasing after her, meanwhile she found the love of her life.  This book burst with different emotion.  Throughout the book it talks about how physical her marriage was with Kevin and it makes the reader cringe.  When Alex came along, he filled that gap.  Katie needed someone like him.  Someone who would care and love her just as much as she loved him.  On page 164, it explains as follows: “In his mind the decision to protect an innocent woman like Katie from a psychopath like Kevin was as clear as black and white-a simple choice.”  This shows Alex’s non-hesitant sympathy and care for her.  It really taught me the true meaning of life.  When someone is in need and they reach out to you and sacrifice many things to get to you it should show.   Your job is to be there to fill that missing puzzle piece.  Be there for loved ones whether they need you or not.   

Honorable Mention List:

  • Hope Solo
  • Stranger With My Face
  • Justin Bieber: Just Getting Started
  • Justin Bieber: 100% Official